
What is an Empowerment Partner?

True partners in ministry through prayer and monthly giving.

Empowerment Partners provide the opportunity for the people we reach to grow as leaders and expand ministry!


how we partner


We are committed to providing theological training to pastors through our partnership with Third-mill. Our training equips pastors to reach the un-reached and plant churches with a biblical foundation.


Clean water = life! Our clean water initiative is a fight against dirty water
and the negative impact it has on
entire communities. Families
receiving a sustainable water
are trained, followed up with,
and empowered to serve others.
Clean water opens doors for better understanding of the Gospel and the chance to share that with neighbors.


Investing in teachers and administrators to develop holistic teaching methods, utilizing local resources to provide unique learning experiences, and encouraging student empowerment. Rejoice Project is a multi-generational approach to Bible literacy, reaching more than 20,000 children each week!


Providing access to Bibles and teaching that is accurate and understandable is crucial to raising a generation that knows God and teaches others about Him.


We are working to expose our friends to new and creative approaches to improve crop health, and food sustainability. Agriculture is key to financial independence and growth, which impacts all other facets of life.


Empowering local church pastors and leaders to care for their community by helping to meet physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. We want to see God work through the church to bring healing and wholeness for His glory!


Jake Swinson - Empowerment Partner Since 2019

The reason I give to Choose to Invest is because they are the meaning of investing into other people. I have a very checkered past and when I came to them to go to Africa, I wasn’t allowed to leave the state let alone the country! They stood beside me, believing that I was meant to go to Africa. The way they poured into me and into the people in Africa changed my life and my view of the world as a whole. I give because I saw first-hand the difference not only in my life but the lives of thousands that are being touched by their ministry.